laser safety LPA

Laser and intense light warning signs

Signage is one way to help control access to the room whilst lasers are in use. The aim of the sign in this context is to deter anyone from attempting to enter.

Examples of warning signs are given below. These can be printed off and laminated. Alternatively, for a more professional finish, a local print-shop will be able to print onto a more sturdy material.

do not enter sign Laser areas are only hazardous whilst the laser active, so ideally signs should only be displayed when the room is in use. However, for rooms where lasers are more or less in constant use, it might be appropriate to use signs stating that the laser may be in use. Some examples are given below.

Signs do have limitations, for example, they will not physically stop someone entering a room. Also, not everyone will recognise the yellow symbols, or even read English. Ideally, signs should be displayed at eye level.

Example signs to download

In the examples below, signs consist firstly of a yellow 'warning' pictogram and a red 'prohibition' pictogram. In situations where illuminated signs are used and are placed to the side or high above the door, a supplementary sign at eye level may be useful.

Click on the images to display full-size.

Temporary signs - display only when the room is in use.
IPL A4 temp Laser A4 temp

Permanent signs
IPL Permanent A5 Laser Permanent A5

Other examples

- Eyewear signage (use if eyewear is stored outside the controlled area)

- Use in conjunction with an illuminated sign or light, e.g.1, e.g.2, e.g.3

Laser sign example Laser sign example Laser sign example Laser sign example

Legal Requirements

For 'laser rooms' whilst the laser is in use, under the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010, the employer must ensure that the room is:

(a) demarcated and access by the employees to those areas is restricted so far as is reasonably practicable; and

(b) identified by means of the appropriate signs as specified in the Health and Safety (Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 (see below).

Under The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996, the following is required:

- Signs are maintained in good condition

- Comprehensible and relevant information on the measures to be taken in connection with safety signs is provided to employees.

- Employees receive suitable and sufficient instruction and training in the meaning of safety signs and the measures to be taken in connection with safety signs.

- The effectiveness of a sign must not be adversely affected by placing of too many signs too close together.

too many signs

Above image copyright Lasersafe Optical Radiation Safety Services

For further information, guidance is available from the HSE

HSE guidance

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